30 Minute full body at home workout: burn calories using minimal equipment

Try this 30-minute full-body home workout that I've put together for you and get your muscles working and your heart pumping. This workout can be performed anywhere.

If you have dumbbells, they can be put to good use otherwise use anything that you have laying around that has a bit of weight to it, a couple of books or water bottles, packets of rice......... the neighbours cat.

The only other piece of equipment you might want to use is a skipping rope but not essential.


Hip Flexor Stretch

90º Hip and Knee Rotation

Plank to Foot Tap

Diagonal Lunge with Side Stretch

Mountain Climbers / Squat Thrusts / Jogging on the spot

Legs Round 1

Reverse Lunge Pulse to Knee Drive (right leg) x30 seconds

Reverse Lunge Pulse to Knee Drive (left leg) x30 seconds

Single-Leg Glute Bridge (right leg) x30 seconds

Single-Leg Glute Bridge (left leg) x30 seconds

Squat Pulse x20 seconds

Squat x20 seconds

Squat Jump x20 seconds

Legs Round 2

Reverse Lunge Pulse to Knee Drive (right leg) x15 seconds

Reverse Lunge Pulse to Knee Drive (left leg) x15 seconds

Single-Leg Glute Bridge (right leg) x15 seconds

Single-Leg Glute Bridge (left leg) x15 seconds

Squat Pulse x10 seconds

Squat x10 seconds

Squat Jump x10 seconds

Upper Body

Front Raise x20 seconds

Front Raise Pulse x20 seconds

Front Raise O/H x20 seconds

Side Raise x20 seconds

Side Raise Pulse x20 seconds

Side Raise O/H x20 seconds

Push Up x20 seconds

Chest Touch x20 seconds

Hand Release Press Up x20 seconds

Core Round 1

Side Plank x30 seconds

Plank x30 seconds Side

Plank x30 seconds

Back Plank x 30seconds

Core Round 2

Side Plank x15 seconds

Plank x15 seconds

Side Plank x15 seconds

Back Plank x15 seconds

Cardio Finisher Round 1 - 3 minutes

Each Minute 10 Burpees then Jogging

Cardio Finisher Round 2 - 3 minutes

Each Minute 16 Jump Lunges then Skipping


Warm up & Lower Body Workout with Dumbbells


Follow along with this 30-minute legs, upper body and core workout